Water Tank Installations in Nairobi

Water Tank Installations in Nairobi

Installation and maintenance of cold water storage tanks in Nairobi

Everyone needs a water tank and everyone loves the fact that water is stored for future use. But no one knows: The condition of the reservoir will ultimately affect the quality of the water. Tanks used to be made of galvanized iron or asbestos. This means that people notice some unpleasant changes in the water over time. Today, changing times have led to the production of plastic water tanks, which is why you need a Nairobi Arrowtech plumber to install and maintain your cold water tanks.

Metal tanks and water quality

Also, the types of tanks used in the past were mostly galvanized iron, usually placed in the attic space and not moved during the construction of the house. Over time, these tanks can corrode from constant exposure to sunlight and rain, which can degrade the water stored in them.

A good tanks mean better water quality

Now with plastic tanks, the water quality is less likely to be affected by corrosion. While certain factors can affect the quality of the water, this only happens when the tank is uncovered or the lid is open.

Get a new water tank

Before buying a new tank, you need to consider some important factors to consider when sourcing for a Water Tank Installations in Nairobi. These factors include

  • Tank size (liters)
  • Installation location

The best installation service you can ask for

This last factor requires serious consideration to avoid premature problems such as leaks shortly after installation. That’s why at Arrowtech Plumbers Nairobi we provide you with the best team of professionals to install your new tank. You can also install the tank in the perfect location by consulting us with an Arrowtech plumber in Nairobi.

Installation of water tank

Installing a water tank requires surveying the house to get the best water pressure at the outlet. This takes into account specific locations and locations, such as shower heads and faucets, and needs to be done by a professional for good results. For this reason, the previous galvanized water tank was installed in the roof space. Plastic tanks can still be installed in the attic if the attic is large enough to allow the tank to pass through.

It has been found that the location of the storage tank is an important factor that cannot be ignored. There are other factors to consider. they are;

  • The storage tank must be accessible for maintenance and inspection
  • For outdoor installations, UV protection must be ensured
  • Insulation should be in place to protect the tank and all piping from extreme temperatures
  • The area where the tank is installed should be adequately ventilated to maintain air circulation.

At Nairobi Arrowtech Plumbers, we consider all of the above and more when installing tanks. We also carry out routine inspections of water tanks (as per customer request).

Maintenance of the water tank

Deteriorating water quality in the tank means it may be time for a plumbing service. Other signs you may notice that you need to find a plumber are:

  • Warm water flows from the tank
  • Low water turnover, even with too much water in the tank
  • There is no lid on the tank
  • The water in the tank is colored or has a strong smell

Any of the above problems may indicate a problem with the tank. You don’t have to wait for one of these issues to arise before taking action. Call us for a routine inspection of your tank.

Why do I need professional help to check my Water tank?

Checking the water quality is more than just looking at the water coming out of the tank. This includes inspection of the fuel tank itself. If inspection is requested, our services include the following:

  • Clean the water tank (if necessary)
  • Check for signs of corrosion
  • Check the position of the cover (if tightened)
  • Visual inspection of water tank
  • Sterilization tank

Learn More on Tap Repairs & Installations in Nairobi


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